Vienna is the best city in the world

Vienna is the best city in the world

 The beautiful cities around the world, but the competition for the most appropriate title for life continues to gain more fame and attract more tourists and new investment opportunities, and leads the city of Vienna list of the best cities in the world since 2010, according to specialized studies conducted by consulting companies specializing in the environment The quality of health care, and housing and transportation costs.

Vienna City Basic Information

Is the capital and the largest city in Austria. It occupies the tenth place in terms of population within the European Union with a population of nearly 2 million.
 Besides Vienna's unique cultural character, the rest of the world is an eco-friendly city occupying more than half the area Capital.

Vienna site

The city is located in a plain between the Alps and the Carpathian Mountains, near a mountain pass that made the city in the middle of the main transport routes naturally in Austria, which made the city, covering an area of ​​four hundred and fifteen square kilometers, one of the most uphill cities in terms of economic growth.

 Life in Vienna

 The city of Vienna is the first industrial center in Austria, on the outskirts of the city and outside there are many factories that produce medicines, electrical appliances and chemicals, in addition to textiles and leather products. Within the city you can easily move both visitors and residents, The subway, buses and tram lines. Due to the quality and flexibility of the transportation network, citizens often prefer to use it on private cars. The predominant language in Vienna is German, with other languages ​​used by nationalities such as Czechs and Hungarians. The mix of nationalities and cultures in Vienna is reflected in the city's food types. One of the manifestations of daily life in Vienna is to go to pizzas and coffee in the morning for breakfast. The culture of coffee to Austria through the Turks, and cafes in Vienna became a cultural phenomenon, so that the number of coffee shops in the city more than eight hundred shop.

 The most important landmarks of Vienna

 Visitors to the city can walk all over the city, but Vienna is the center of the old city. It is the historical and geographical center of the city. It contains many historical buildings that have witnessed many important events over time. Vienna Convention Center and international institutions.

The finest places in Vienna

Cathedral of St. Stephan

 Located in the center of Vienna, it is considered one of the highest in the South Tower. The Vienna Museum of Art is one of the most important museums in the world. It was founded in 1891, and many of the medieval paintings, as well as many old musical instruments, are considered Viennese heritage exhibitions.

Vienna Parter

 It is one of the largest and most entertaining amusement parks, where the individual finds all the toys he wants, especially children, such as the whirlpool, the puppet theater, the old cave train, and the many amazing restaurants where you can relax. In addition to cold and hot drinks.

Schonbrunn Palace

 One of Vienna's most important landmarks, it has 1,441 rooms and was built in 1696 at the request of Emperor Leopold I. The palace garden features the Queen's Garden, one of the oldest and oldest existing gardens. Mount Schenberg
 It is located in the Lower Austria district, with stunning natural scenery, large gardens with a large number of fruits, pine forests and rivers. In addition, there is the Danube valley, which was considered one of the most beautiful valleys in 2008. .

 Museum Complex

 It is the eighth largest cultural space in the world, with many large art galleries and museums. In addition, classical music, food and drink can be enjoyed in the lap of nature.

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